In the far future, there is a war being fought for the future of the human race. We may have colonized the stars under the benevolent guidance of the Terran Authority, but the discovery of a long vanished alien civilization has brought rise to the insidious Kult. An insane movement that believe this decadent extinct race should be worshipped at all costs.

It's a big galaxy out there, but whatever you do, rest assured that someone will be watching.


 So what happened to Rough Landing 3 then? 

      Ambition, way too much ambition. The problem with pushing the borders so much in the sequel is that you then have to top it for the finale. Basic upshot is it would have been insanely huge requiring enough content to fit in 4-6 Rough Landing's and a couple of Rough Landing 2's on top. Maybe if I was a major development house, but well I'm not. Rough Landing 2 though, is in the process of being made a finished game with actual endings because of this and will not be left just on that cliffhanger.

Can I have the password to Rough Landing 2?

      Almost certainly not unfortunately. I don't want to fully open up access for reasons I'll hope you'll respect in regards to wanting to retain control of the game. However, it has happened in the past and if you think you've got a really compelling reason try sending me a message over on Hypnopics here. (You'll need to be registered to do so.)

Any chance of a fully unlocked achievements file?

      I'd say play the game, though I certainly can't stop you looking for one.

This game is really hard, can I have a walkthrough?
      There's not one currently though I have been told one is being worked on. Failing that try either of the threads on Hypnopics linked on the front page or search for 'Rough Landing' on the TFgames forum where people have asked questions before.

Is there a cast list?

      There is for both games and you can view it by finishing them.

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